In An Alley in Seville

Got up at 5:30, after maybe four hours' sleep, to go on Mourão's coach trip to Seville, which is about the same distance from us as Lisbon is. The purpose for most folk was to attend the bullfight and see the Feria de Abril (in May because Easter so late this year). 

We did neither. Walked round and had a great time, though through a fog of tiredness. Too much to tell, hoping the easy-with-words Jan will do it better (as, indeed, she has), and we need to get the croissants on for breakfast before church... yes, I didn't Blip when we eventually got home this morning sometime. 

Interested to notice, for me, how much more beautiful Seville felt as soon as the light started going.

- that even deprived of sleep and two of us in pain, our guests are still easy to be with
- sitting in a quiet square, nursing a beer, sharing our lives
- a gorgeous Sevilhana leaving her three small girls with her husband to lead us through her neighbourhood till she found us somewhere to eat (most folk were eating at the Feria)

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