Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


So this is Molly. My girlfriend. I'm not sure, I feel empty with her, I feel the same without her. maybe it's the end even though it only just begun. I don't care for shit anymore. I am done I suppose.

I am alone and I am aware. I love my cat, but I guess at the same time I just feel rancid, sickening and disgusting. I hate myself and the poet bullshit that spews out my mouth when I am sad, which is a constant. So I grow tired of it, She stayed over tonight but I can't be dealing with it, I hate the sex, and I hate the way she kisses me. I hate being tired of it so soon, but I hate the thought of it going on as long as she'd hope.

I told her this tonight,she said my words made her so sad she felt sick.

I want to run away. I hate hurting others, but I myself am more hurt than anyone would ever gather.

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