
This is the theme for today's Mono Monday hosted by Nickimags888.  I went over to the RSC theatre and up to their cafe known as the Rooftop Restaurant and Bar.  There are good views of the surrounding buildings, and roofs, from the floors leading up. My interpretation of Rooftops for this challenge was not looking down and across the roofs but is the contrast between two or three of the many canvas roofs of the Waterside market stalls with the balcony at the Rooftop Restaurant at the theatre.

This is the second, and final, day of the Car Festival, as per every year it attracted many visitors to the town centre roads packed with vintage and classic cars. We had a look around the ones we hadn't seen yesterday, quite impressed with the 'Mad Men' American cars from the 1960s.

After lunch we took some stuff round to Tom's new flat, he's settling in nicely and offered us a cup of tea, he's becoming quite domesticated!

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