
By TheOttawacker

Boss, I forgot something...

... like the door. And a few windows. But other than that, I think this house is great. The new tenants will love it. Plenty of wall space. 

How will they get in? Why, through the door, of course... erm, right, through the window? I'll just leave a ladder there for them for now, OK. I'll be back in the morning once I have finished painting the inside of the toilet bowl.

Another beautiful day in Ottawa, with the promise of the floods receding and the warmth staying. Ottawacker Jr. may even venture forth to school tomorrow, which would mean some valuable (or invaluable) writing time for me. 

But it looks like Rosie is slowing down terminally. In between errands, we fetched her meds, and the vet gave me that 'prepare yourself for the worst' look, and mentioned the "P" word.

Palliative my arse, she's hopefully got years ahead of her yet. 

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