
By Paladian

Dolichopodid Fly

I know, yet another fly, but it's another of the good guys. (Try saying the name when you've had a couple or 3 to drink!). I think it's Austrosciapus connexus, from a family that's almost as old as time (there are specimens preserved in amber), and they are spread world wide though 7,000 described species.

The forecast for today was hot to extremely hot, and when we got up this morning it was already 29 degrees, with an expected max of 39. And that's 39 degrees C!! So, yes, very hot. That killed my idea of going to the Creek again, because by the time we came back from the Christmas produce market it would have to have been 35 at the very least, and we had to make a call to see a friend on the way home anyway. And we had to get all the stuff into the fridge quick smart.

So, back down into the back yard - and immediately struck gold. 6 perfect shots of a hoverfly face on, or 3/4 face on. Loved them. But of course, I had to go one better didn't I? I couldn't leave well alone. The images were very small, so I thought I would try again with an extension ring on - just for the practice you understand. (If you want to see the hovers, I've just added them to my BlipFolio, click to the left to see 3/4 hover and full face hover.

So there's still plenty of hovers around, but because it's so bloody hot, they weren't doing much hovering. And then I spotted this guy. Technically it's nowhere near as good as the original hovers, but it's so gorgeously decorated, and so very Christmassy in it's colours, I decided this is my blip for the day. And I only got one shot, before he got spooked, and this is it.

Even more metallic.

By the way, when I came back inside, the temperature on our deck had climbed to 41.7 degrees C. There is to be a cool change overnight, thank the Good Lord.

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