Reikes small life...

By Reike

My new flat share is very calories intensive. My male flatmate brings food all the time, leftovers from his food trailor (he's got a cook from Sri Lanka), he brings chocolate and cake and pralines and red wine. My female flatmate is from Italy. She cooked loads of pasta and forced me and the dog to eat too much of it even when we had dinner before. At least she shared the wine with me. Djeili was not too unhappy with the pasta-eating situation.

I was happy that Djeili and I managed to walk more than 20'000 steps on a regular basis in the past few days. Otherwise we would soon explode. Djeili seems happy with additonal food other than her food for dogs with a sensitive stomach, and she also got new toys from the male flatmate (that were destroyed within a few minutes).

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