SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Certificates and cupcakes

364th Blippy! Only one more to go to the elusive 365!!

Friday was super duper crazy bonkers.

Hairdresser friend came to mine in the morning and chopped a third of my hair off! It was nice having a chat and a catch up about lots, it's like parallel lives in the things that we do!

After that was baking 40 cupcakes for Christmas presents that night. I must be mad doing this the day I need to pack! Admitted defeat and went to town for contact lens test, eyebrow tidy, post office and to buy sugar!!

Whistle stop tour, managed to ice the cakes, get everything sorted and roughly packed before dinner with the inlaws. Lovely dinner and chats playing with the iPhones, it was great! We were also given humoungous Santa sacks, he had delivered early!! Some beautiful presents in there - my favourite was the ear muffs with earphones built in!! Genius!

All in all a great, but busy day. Got an even busier one tomorrow!!

Also received this certificate through the post - lovely little

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