May 10th. Snow.

A very similar shot to yesterday's... With one noticeable difference.... 

It's not been the greatest week weather-wise for a mini break in the Lake District, but mooching alongside Elterwater at 07:30 with Missy there was a glorious blue sky for our last day. Hmmm, maybe we'd head up high.....
By the time à leisurely breakfast was over the rain, which has been a pleasant sort of Mizzle all week, had returned. Except heavily and horridly. 

We had a little drive to think of a plan, but eventually we decided to simply wander through the woods above Yew Tree Tarn with a vague plan to amble round Tarn Hows. Out of season the touristy places have a certain crowd free appeal.
What we'd not expected to see were white tops to the high fells (when they appeared) though when we returned to the car it did say only 3°C in the valley.
All in all a great few days for Team IttH. Missy was a star, the ankle mostly held up and Mrs IttH nearly forgot all about work. 

Philosophy Friday 
Doctors don't make you healthy. 
Teachers don't make you learn. 
Trainers don't make you fit. 
Coaches don't make you rich. 
At some point you have to understand that this life is 100% your responsibility. 

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