
By sleepyduck

Salmon and chocolate omelette with carrots

Occasionally it occurs to me that there are similarities between photography and cooking. In the olden days, there were obvious similarities: we had developer and stop bath and fixer and other potions and everything had to be at the right temperature and had to be stirred every now and again and cooked for the right length of time. None of this applies any more.

Today, I was put in mind of the TV show - I can't remember its name - where they give some chefs a random assortment of ingredients and challenge them to make something delicious out of those ingredients. So, for example, they may have to make something out of a salmon, some eggs, a bar of chocolate and a bunch of carrots...

It was a busy day today. A visit to a client for a long, tedious and stressful meeting, followed by a trip back to the office for a hectic, tedious and stressful afternoon. Not much blipping time there.

So it was that I found myself in a car park on the edge of town catching ten minutes of peace between the meeting and the drive back to the office, trying to make a blip of the random assortment of ingredients that had been give to me. Here it is - my salmon and chocolate omelette with carrots. Metaphorically speaking.

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