The new Papworth heart hospital

JJ took this picture for me the day after my op.

The saga of the day of my operation was difficult.

Arrived in Cambridge at 6.30 a.m., parked and walked to the Rosie hospital where I was told I was last on the list.

I sat in two different waiting rooms during the day, was seen by my surgeon and then anaesthetist. I sent JJ home at 10.30 a.m. I was advised I could drink water until 11 a.m.

Around 2.30 p.m., still sitting in the waiting room, I was told I had a bed and to put on my operation stockings. A little while later I was ushered into a consulting room just off the main A&E and given a gown to put on, plus a large polythene bag to put my clothes and other belongings in.

Some time later I was walked down to theatre and after surgery taken up to the ward, probably around 9 p.m.

My surgeon told me the day after surgery that it was touch and go whether my operation would go ahead, as Bedford didn’t send over my CT scan results until the last minute.

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