Not Finished Yet.

So all the work I did on the doll's dress got unraveled today.  I wasn't happy with it.  I'd ploughed on trying to ignore the mistake I'd made in it, but I couldn't.  So I looked on U tube, to find out how to rectify the mistake.  And the best thing was to start again.

So I found some better wool, and started again.  The pattern I'm using isn't the best either, not a lot of information on it.

Oh and for any doll aficionados out there, this is not a Barbie but a Sindy, sadly not made anymore.

Took my husband to the Drs. and they say he's doing really well.  No blood tests needed for the time being, he's got nothing wrong with his knees.  He'd had x-rays done recently.  But he has to go for physiotherapy and a shoulder scan.

I'm beginning to think he's a hypochondriac as they keep saying there's nothing wrong with him!!

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