Penny for them

I often wonder what (if anything) goes through Poppydog's brain cell. Does she have sequential thoughts or is she always in the moment, reacting to whatever comes her way? I need to take a leaf out of her wisdom book I think.

The weather has been absolutely terrific with wall to wall sunshine all day and a gentle breeze. So we did a little light gardening after a coffee out and now my vaguely alpine bed looks neater and the small walled garden is clear of baby ox-eye daisies. I do love them but think the specimens in there need releasing into a bigger space as the more tender and pathetic plants are getting thugged.

Off to golf this evening in perfect weather. As is the way, the company was great, the game less so. A flock of oyster catchers seemed bent on serious injury as they cluttered up a couple of fairways, but luckily nothing awful happened as neither myself or my partner troubled the fairways too much ...

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