Furry but not friendly

I had the day off today, and we happened to to know someone, who knew someone else who had a field of potatoes that had been picked already but if we wanted any that hadn't been picked we could help ourselves. We got a life from a nice lady who was somewhere in the chain of friends of friends, and met our guide (where the secondary photos were taken) and then went to a big field in the country.

We collected around 35 kg of new potatoes over a few hours, and it was very nice to be pottering about in the sun. At the end we thought that most of the potatoes would go to a good cause, but apparently they were all for our own consumption, so we are now eating spuds like there is no tomorrow....!

The main picture is a furry caterpillar of some sorts we encountered, and it's definitely not of the friendly kind, the hairs can give you quite a nasty allergic reaction, so best to avoid.

(back blipped)

My French has now progressed to saying hello and good buy without feeling silly and a few words now and then with going bright red every time I open my mouth.

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