Here we go again!


Place de la Sorbonne

I'm excited about the literary festival that started in the 5th arrondissement today that this poster is advertising. There will be a huge book sale, readings, lectures and literary walking tours. It's great that the latin quarter values and celebrates its many independent bookstores and its literary heritage in this way. 

Another element of the Latin Quarter's heritage is visible in the top right of my photo where a "space invader" mosaic mimics one of the famous May 1968 posters. It seems it was put up for the 50th anniversary of the 1968 student protests, last year.

Today was also the city-wide "Paris s'écrit" day... people were encouraged to write and send hand-written letters through the post. There was even a story about it in Montreal's Le Devoir (in French).

I ran 5km this morning in the Luco, then was too tired to do much else :) Ch kindly agreed to postpone our museum visit until tomorrow and I spent the rest of the day trying to read some articles for a book I'm co-editing. I don't know why it is going so slowly.

(That 500th blip came up quickly! I really enjoy this site and the community around it. Taking a photo a day makes me look at things differently and helps me to remember things. And Paris is just so damn photogenic!...)

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