maketh the man

Rather appropriately for this time of year, Rodti is starting to look somewhat Jesuit of face with his nice new beard and lengthening hair. There was no ash to hand with which to pointlessly marketh him though given the length of time he took to consume his muffin this evening he was probably not far off inadvertantly smudging some melted chocolate over his face, though not necessarily in any particularly meaningful shape. I'd forgotten about his recent enplumagement and was mildly surprised to see the change it has wrought upon his general appearance. He's already picked up some accompanying beard-related self-grooming tics such as smoothing down the sides beneath Des Moines and scrittering at the underside when thinking. He should perhaps (in between RESUMING BLIPPING AT SOME POINT) write a book about the power of the beard in aiding the modern gentleman in the cessation of such beastly behaviours as fag-chuffing by providing something for the fingers to do instead. Maybe Nicorette and the like would be more effective if sold with a disposable fake beard for the would-be quitter to tug, caress and otherwise manipulate to help their fingers forget what they no longer hold.

Some actual sunlight hit my desk today; I may even have monitor-related problems with it in a couple of weeks when it's at the same angle but further clockwise a bit later in the day; all the more reason to start leaving slightly earlier. I had to lower a blind for a colleague today when the reflected sun attacked him in the face. Even though an office is an office and thus has unpleasant associations they can still look nice and scenic when beautifying beams of natural sunlight play about them. When we were on another edge of the building we'd get the sunlight in the morning; pleasant, but sunlight in the afternoon is nice when one is able to react to it by leaving for the day and trotting outside (even when in my case this would be followed by trotting into a nice shady spot so that I stay cool and don't burn).

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