They'd Only Been Here.....

....... 5 minutes!!

Isabella hasn't been well.  She's got school sores (impetigo), but she's only got it on her hands, and a little bit under her eyes.  She's on antibiotics, which apparently taste foul.  She must've picked it up from one of the play parks.

But she's been full of energy this morning, and eaten loads of food.

Alexandra had a prize waiting for her.  It was a beautiful elephant, which plays peek-a-boo or  'Do your ears hang low.'  So that got played rather a lot of times!!  I also found I have a book with the same song, so we looked at that as well.

The day was warm about 25c, so we went outside and I made up an obstacle course for Isabella.  She had great fun picking up certain things, taking them to another spot, putting a ball in a basketball hoop, and ringing a bell on a wind chime.  And then doing it all over again!!

When I needed a rest we played with bubbles.  Mia meanwhile was quite happy just pottering around.

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