A Bee movie

I’m on a cruise with my husband, a bevy of late middle aged women and a few couples, when I find myself on a bus minding an articulate three year old from Bolton, and we swop email addresses. Everyone else would appear to have gone off to visit a 90 year old priest who was taken ill in the night.

I seem to spend most of the cruise trying to get to my room to change whilst everyone else swans around in their finery. JJ is nowhere to be seen and I am always opening doors for people, but can’t get through myself.

I’m desperate to get out of these pantie briefs and the top I’m wearing, which keeps riding up and not covering the essentials too well.

The lift never takes me to my floor.

I feel the weight of 1000 duvets as I come to and can’t move for what seems like ages.

I only went up for a short nap and can’t believe I swapped email addresses with a three year old. My dreams are becoming more vivid as the days wear on. Anaesthesia has a lot to answer for.

Had a walk up the road. Apart from the tiredness I feel as fit as ever and my tummy looks ghastly, especially with my nightly injections added in, but isn't at all uncomfortable.

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