Coming at ya

A good 7km stroll this morning with all but 2 large hill ks under 9 min K pace and the hills at about 9.15 pace which is about the pace of a slow runner. Saw my Xray on Wednesday and L5,L4 look like wedges and I had at some time done some serious trauma to my Coccyx. The discomfort has reduced significantly but is still nagging. Today the Roaring 40's Boat Race was back on but unfortunately I was too late to see the Big boy's who had put their toy's away by the time I got down to the Bay. Marie and I went to a couple of Lighting Shops this morning as we need to look at improving the light in our dining room and lounge. One shop showed us a few different lights and the other only wanted to show us the most expensive, it's not the first time this shop tried this on me. I message a friend who's son is a sparky who will see what he can do, his view is we need an Electrician who has a skilled interest in household lighting.

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