Every Move You Make...

Today, Tooli and her Dad had a day-trip to Belfast. 

We got up at 4.30 in the morning and I drove them up to the airport for the 645 flight. 

I was sitting at my desk by 6.55, and had a massive job cleared which we had been fighting with for a couple of days. 

I worked hard all day - right up til 4.45 and then I headed back up to pick up the travellers who arrived back at 6.40 just a bit later than scheduled. 

Tooli's appointment at the American Embassy was done and dusted in 40 minutes, and the two of them headed to the Titanic Experience to pass the time until they went for their plane home - taking in a couple of pints of guiness on the way. 

This is the photo Tooli had taken for her visa application - she says she looks like a criminal.  I think she looks perfect.  How did I make something quite so gorgeous ?

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