By the fence

This is the only photo taken today on this rather chilly day. I took it to send to my son in Canada as he is looking for an idea for a fence in a corner of his garden. I have a small pool inshot at the bottom and my ferns are looking great. I think I need another clematis in the middle. I didn’t bother to take my young plants out of the cold frame today, it is rather full up. This morning my husband spent an hour or so putting together a rather smart architectural tower, one of two which was sold as being a fully galvanised steel structure with powder coating. Well, it wasn’t, he found small areas of rust so he rang the company, we took photos and he dis-assembled them and got grumpy. We then put the hall back together, blinds back up in the lounge, carpet cleaned upstairs in the hall and travel books returned to bookcase. Unusually, I haven’t been out today.

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