A visit to Newgrange

Newgrange is a 5,200 year old passage tomb located in the Boyne Valley in Ireland's Ancient East. Newgrange was built by Stone Age farmers, the mound is 85 meters (93 yards) in diameter and 13.5 meters (15 yards) high, an area of about 1 acre.

We visited today, imagine, this was built 500 years before the Pyramids. I’m extremely claustrophobic, so I didn’t go in to the burial chamber. T said after that I could have managed, but I played it safe, the stone passage in was low and narrow.

We also went to the Hill of Tata and had another splendid day out in the nature surrounded by birdsongs. While waiting for the Newgrange tour I fed a sweet and savvy little Irish Robin from my hand, that was a thrill.

This has been such a trip, we’re taking the bus in to Dublin tomorrow.

For the Record,
This day came in cloudy and cool. We had about 3 raindrops , our weather has been fantastic.

All hands happy!

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