I can multi-task

This morning we did another 'Medal Route Walk'. We're trying to do all the 'Edinburgh Medal Routes' and have done eight so far, …..............so only another 49 to go. Lol!

Anyway, today we did the 'Craigmillar Library Gold Route' which involved walking across some playing fields and guess what Ann discovered I can do?........................ I can multi-task. Yay!

I was zooming around all over and then I spotted a little spaniel that I wanted to play with. We had a great time running around together but do you know what?...................... I can multi-task. Yay!  All the time I was playing, I was also keeping an eye on where Ann was. And when the spaniel went down a different path to the one Ann wanted to go on, Ann hid behind a tree shouted, 'Trixie come', and I went zooming back to her. Just how good was that?

Ann's just been checking back on her Blips since she got me and to be honest she can't believe how much I've learnt. A lot of people think that Ann is expecting too much of me. I'm only a puppy after all. But Ann says that puppies do most of their learning in the first four months of their life and I'm 6 months old now.

This afternoon we went to the 'fabulous field' to do some training. I was absolutely brilliant at sitting, staying and coming. When I go to puppy class tomorrow night my teacher is going to be soooooo impressed with how good I am. #Famouslastwords

PS – The only problem with the 'fabulous field' today was........................ there were a couple of homeless people in there well it is in the grounds of the metal health hospital and I obviously had to check them out to see if they had any tasty titbits. They didn't. They only had cans of lager. And when Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', I came. Obviously. Because Ann had little bits of sausage for me. But they had nothing to eat.......................

PPS – Ann speaking now.......................... There's about four 'homeless/alcoholic men' and at least two 'homeless/begging women' who are always around in my immediate area. What is the best way to help these people? I've never given them money but I gave the lady outside Waitrose a coffee once. Mostly, I just ignore them, and today I was actually a little bit scared when I was the only person in the field with two of them. I've read loads of news articles about 'beggars' travelling in from commuter towns and making a fortune, but these people have been here for at least two years. They've obviously got problems but I have absolutely no idea where they sleep at night. They always make a fuss of Trixie, but I'll be honest here and say I have hardly any communication with them. During the day, they're mainly outside Cafe Nero, Waitrose, Sainbury's and Oxfam on Morningside Road. Is there anyone here on BLIP that can tell me the best way to help these people???????????


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