Yummy Surprise Delivery!

'Y' is for Yummy! ;-)

This yummy, chocolatty, flowery suprise was delivered this afternoon! Thank you M&K, it was totally unexpected! The most divine variety of choccies and beautiful flowers to cheer it all up! We can, unfortunately, not see each other for Christmas, so we decided to keep their little pressies under the tree till we see each other, but M had a much better idea! ;-)

One year ago we were in Stockholm, with M&Z, eisch, can't believe it is a whole year later! Our hearts are there with them and the Swedish family! May God bless them all in this Festive Season and may 2013 be filled with joy, health and love! LuvvvThemAll!!

May all my dear Blipfriends and -family be blessed with love, peace and prosperity during this Festive Season and beyond! May 2013 be the best year any one of you could ever wish for!

Thank you for so much love and support in 2012, I made it because of all your support and prayers!


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