
"Daddy, daddy, look at my rudolf...."
"That certainly is a Rude-dolf Bethany..."

She didn't get the intonation so she can keep that wee snicker for when she's a few years older. We took a wee walk up to the shop earlier when she asked me to hold her Rudlof for me. She was a bit purturbed when we got back and I told her to pick her Rudolf up off the bonnet of the car where I left it cause I couldn't be bothered trying to carry it and keep it shapely.

Today I found one, possibly the most efficient ways to shop on christmas eve in Edinburgh.

By bike. Parked at Barton, cycled into town, shopped at two ends of Princes Street and did it faster than walking, or buses could have propelled me and I only had to put up with minimal bustling bodies.

If I hadn't stopped to chat, I could have been in and back to the car in an hour.

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