Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Still busy...

... Me too.

Just a quick one.

It has been looking as though it's snowing in the garden over the past two or three days. Little dandelion-like 'clocks', are filling the air. We're breathing them in! So much so, that there were even some in the sink as I brushed my teeth this morning. I know which tree they are coming from, and am ashamed to admit I don't know what it is called.
(Stanley?).... Note to self... FIND OUT!

(Extra note to self, once discovered, TRY TO REMEMBER ;-/
Am losing count of how many times I google the same thing, because some 'vital' information has not been stored in an easily accessed part (the top bit) of my brain. Disposable information eh? Is it good for us?
...Because brains, obvs, do work like drawers I'm assuming? And goodness knows mine need a clearout).

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