Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Busy on the cornflowers...

... Which were all still in bud just a few days ago, but are now open and attracting bees.

I'm not up to full percentage blipping by any means, owing to time being short. I do, however, have time for a mini grumble.


We used to buy a sack of them, which lasted for oo... a decade?
Probably :-)
These days I buy a pack of four (don't even start me on the unnecessary packaging, which is beyond criminal knowing all we know these days). We eat two at a time and more often than not the two remaining spuds have sprouted green beards before we have managed to eat them, even when they are well within the sell-by date.
What am I doing wrong?? (I don't store them in the fridge, and they are not kept in the light).
AND.. They're not cheap items these days (what is?).

Grumble over.

On a lighter note...


I'm still too worked up about potatoes.

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