
By K9tam

Which Path?

Managed to make a start on the gardening today ..... It feels good, but it's a mere drop in the ocean, and as we are going away soon, I'm sure it will be back to square one in no time. I've been cutting back the Pyracantha, it's very spikey!

Had a mega eye test today, am I the only one who feels like I'm having a reading test when I have to read the charts? All okay, but I need some new glasses which I suspected would be the case. 

This evening I went on a landscape workshop with my friend Carol ( carol butterfly) and we were lucky to have a very pretty sunset. If I've learnt nothing else, looking at my pictures I need to think a bit more on where I position myself! Panicked a bit as I could see the sun changing by the second and just want to get the shot. It was a lovely relaxed and social evening.

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