
By TonyG

Crocus Like

A single stem of this delightful Ixia has appeared in a raised bed.  I don't remember planting it there nor am I sure I ever had one this colour - I have lots of bright pink ones nearby!   A seedling or a stray, it's a beaut with it's crocus-like flowers.  Ixia, also members of Iridaceae, are related to crocus, growing from a similar corm although coming from a very different part of the world.

A busy in the garden day after I spent some time trying to resolve the issue of a replacement lens.  If time were on my side I would try out some alternatives, maybe with a longer zoom, however with trips to Wales and Switzerland looming, I shall play safe and replace my much loved 55-200 like for like.  Today's pic was taken using the damaged lens but I know I it will wind me up being stuck at 200mm!

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