Christmas Eve

Over the years a tradition has formed of going to my Dad & his wife for Christmas Eve. It works like a dream - I'm normally shattered after a hugely busy day in the shop (a wine shop + Christmas eve = busy, busy, busy!). My Dad is an excellent cook and Jane is just an effortless, amazing hostess.

14 of us gathered tonight - including my mum. I can not praise my parents and Dad's wife for being so generous to us three girls, so that we can spend Christmas eve with both parents, our siblings, partners and children. There's such a relaxed atmosphere. Yummy food - Dad always does a ham with roast potatoes, yorkshire pudding and coleslaw, then there are cheese & biccies plus Christmas cake for afters. We exchange gifts - waiting to open them on Christmas Day and it's rapidly become my very best time of the festive season.

Happy times.

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