
By snailspace

Backblip 21 May: everything's rosy

Suffering badly with my back when I woke but unearthed the new walking poles in order to make the journey on foot to a nearby village. Nobody told me that the walk would be practically vertical! I toiled my way up the crag, every step of the way was painful.

I am here to say that the effort was worth it!

The walk up the crag path would have been pleasant under other circumstance, even though hard work. The path zig-zagged through woodland, with little hints of the views to come just discernible through the shrubby cover. Once we emerged at the top we were into mountain meadows, full of wildflowers in great variety. The views were wonderful all around. A short walk in strong sunshine and a brisk cooling breeze (most welcome) on quiet  tarmac lanes brought us to the Medieval village of Meyras, which was charming.

Meyras is situated on what was once a Mule Pack route and there is an Expo about that history. We saw a couple of what I took to be artworks but turned out to be planters - not blooming yet. In fact, up there it was still very spring-like, with the shading Plane trees in the square only just beginning to show leaf buds. However there were roses blooming plentiful and sweet and I felt frustrated that a camera cannot capture scent.

EXTRAS: View of the village; View as we approached the top of our climb; Town sign with planter.

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