Cycle to Victoria Park

MrsCyclops was still ill today.

Cyclops and CyclopsJnr did the shopping in the morning, then cycled to Victoria Park in the afternoon.  A 9 mile round trip, and his longest ride yet!  We're privileged in Edinburgh to have lots of cycle ways, so it was nearly all off round (other than a couple of suburban streets near our house to access the cycle network).  He still had plenty of energy for playing at the park when we got there.

On the way home, he asked me to take this photo on the "red bridge", which is a landmark we regularly drive under and he was thrilled to be riding over.

When we got home, we played a couple of games he got for his birthday for the first time with a recuperating MrsCyclops.  PJ Masks was a good matching game with special goggles to see some of the symbols, and Junior Monopoly.  Both were great fun, and he concentrated and joined in well.

We're proud of both his cycling and concentration with board games today!

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