
By K9tam

Happy camper with two gas stoves.

Blustery morning with sun and a threat of rain which luckily didn't materialise. Tough night for Hayley as Emmeline, who's not the best sleeper at the best of times woke up at 1am and would not be pacified, on a camp site this is not an ideal scenario. So, long story short, Hayley and Emmeline slept in the car!

Hayley cooked us a wonderful breakfast, a proper fry up, all in one pan, bacon, sausages, mushrooms, tomatoes, eggs and crusty bread. It was delicious! The thing I love about camping is the smell of bacon in the mornings and the smell of BBQ's in the evening. Extra is the site in the evening with all the BBQ smoke.

The breakfast set Jodie and Dean up for their water challenge in the lake ...... Next step Ninga Warriers? See Extras.

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