
Lovely to have the Parentals here...we had a lovely morning wandering, introducing them to some of our homeless friends, having a coffee in Nude etc etc... Then later a walk along the Port.
Asha had a school trip to a sports club, so came home shattered and happy.
I had the joy of giving someone a brand-new rucksack. I met a new homeless guy yesterday, no shoes, tattooed face, dreads down his back (I've asked him if I can photograph his face - it's SO interesting!),scary expression...but such a lovely man. He said he needed a new big bag as he'd lost all his stuff (wondering if he's from the building that burnt down a couple of weeks ago...). Danny went straight from the school run to get him a something appropriate, and I had the joy of being delivery woman! Obviously you don't show kindness for the thanks, but oh my goodness, his reaction just filled me up (& ruined my mascara)...he was clearly shocked I'd shown up and done what I said I would...and was so delighted with his gift! He cried, bless him, and gave me a huge hug. Was a special moment.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Drinking coffee with Mom and Dad.
2) Being able to give Mike what he needed...and his wonderful generous response.
3) Danny making it a priority to drive to buy a rucksack, despite having a busy day.

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