the morning after the night before

These kids were surprisingly chirpy first thing after a very late night. The crash came later. They scoffed a pile of pancakes, played hard and then headed off to the park they most love (on account of it having loads of squirty water fountains to dance in) with Jessica (Ethan’s mum and the most amazing childminder there ever was). I took the opportunity to do a boring but necessary Ikea run with Isaac and then spent the afternoon handling the most tired Eve there ever could be. So. Many. Tears. When she goes, she goes hard - even cartoons were inducing emotional sobbing fits. It was handy they were so tired as it was easy to get them to bed early before our church group arrived for dinner of roast chicken, roasted veg and avocado salad followed by rhubarb crumble cake, strawberries and thick cream.


1. Eve responding well to hugs, she calms easily if given enough love;
2. Jessica involving E and Z in their park adventure;
3. I’m really into the BBC show, Killing Eve (though the name disturbs me on account of my precious daughter) at the mo - really enjoyed an episode before bed.

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