wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

A Helping Hand

Every year I feel like I should write something meaningful for Christmas - it is one of the most important days of the year after all. And every year I have a mental blank about what to write that hasn't been said a thousand times already this week. So instead I'll just say that Christmas is so very very special and that should not be forgotten.

Niece S has graduated from a balance bike to a big girls' bike today. It was wet and rainy outside, so she learnt how to brake and started to get a feel for the bike up and down the hallway. It's really nice to be with my brother and his family for Christmas - being the other side of the world does make it difficult usually. But it's wonderful to have this chance to get to know the English family a bit better, and to celebrate with them. Christmas is about Jesus coming, bringing the second phase of God's plan into action, but part of that is building a loving community, supporting one another, enjoying what beauty He has given us. And spending time with family is definitely part of that. So I hope your Christmas didn't turn into a quarrel-fest, that instead you saw how much love is in this world and wanted to spread it. Take that with you as we leave the festive season, carry it throughout the year, and you'll have just a small understanding of the true meaning of Christmas.

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