Mar In Urbana

By MarMilner


Well nothing that was planned today worked out. NOTHING. My son and I fix lunch. It was not good. I was to meet up with my grandson, granddaughter and great grand kids. One child wasn't feeling well so that was canceled. My son and I went to go to see a movie. "Guilt Trip". By the time we got there (actually thought we were there in plenty of time) there wasn't even a place to park the car. Came back home. Not sure if will will try for a later movie tonight or not. Oh well.

Update: Did manage to get into the next showing of the movie. Nice clean, funny movie. More bad news. Eating popcorn (how can you watch a movie without popcorn)? First bite of popcorn and a piece of my tooth broke off. Well, I am home now and thinking over the day. I have to say it really was a very calm, peaceful day with my son.

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