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Geese at the lake this lunchtime :)

I went looking for the swan with her cygnets - but found a very angry male chasing the egyptian geese and their goslings :( :(  Did get a shot but not good enough to blip..

Last night I was just dropping off to sleep, when I had a text from my Mum...

She's in hospital.  Apparently she can't lift her head up at all.  They think its something to do with the chemo or the bone marrow cancer....  She'll be in for a few days whilst they do tests and scans.

After that I didn't get a lot of sleep, but at least I'm not going through what she's going through....

I have managed work today - crazy busy with a fire drill bang in the middle of the afternoon, just when I could have done without it....never mind, better safe than sorry.

Thank you once again for all the geese and babies are still at number one in popular and yesterday's moody blues is at page three :)

Glad to be home with my girl...

One more day...

Happy Thursday folks :)

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