Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

When the spirit moves you

Until a week or so ago I didn't know that it was possible to witness a pet cremation. I had heard lots of dark stories about what happens to dead animal family members, none of them respectful. After Suki died I learned from his vet that it is now 'A thing'.

After Googling the venue I was prepared for the the view. Lots of rusty smoking chimneys and a feel of David Lynch. I wasn't prepared for the smell however. The sickly smell of death builds during the day.

Viewing the body was much like viewing the open casket of a human.You are given time to give your last respects and take samples of hair, imprints of paws.

We cried a lot, said out last goodbyes.

After lunch we went to visit Chris and Jane who live nearby, then back for the ashes. The smell was worse in the late afternoon when we returned.

It's not until we got back to London that I really felt the impact. Maybe it was reviewing my pictures or maybe that I'd been driving for over 8 hours. Anyway, when the curtains blew back I felt Suki was there again.

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