
By tookie

Man with Trowel

Took a trip south to a cemetary in Tacoma Wa. where a dear dear friends's husband is buried....she put some flowers on his grave as is her tradition for memorial day....she hadn't been able to get there yet this year so we went together.  She is 88 and altho she drives all around town, Tacoma is a difficult drive and I do like sharing her hometown and the tradition of puttong flowers on the grave I also share.  My relatives are buried mostly in Ohio so the graves were "decorated" this year with flowers by my younger brother and SiL.  My friend's husband was also a Korean War Vet.  Not something he ever talked much about except to say the boat ride across the ocean had messed up his colon for life!
      The cemetary was a beautiful one....while there I saw this poignant scene...this man was going from grave to grave and tidying up.  It was quite moving to watch.  

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