Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Christmas Day

In Norway, Christmas day isn´t much of a big deal....the 24th is the real celebration and the 25th is time to relax and spend time with family. I spend my Christmases with my boys, my exhusband and his family. I am very grateful that we can do it this way.....I would be terribly sad if I didnt get to spend Christmas with D and E and it is also nice to meet up with L´s family once a year. They were my family for many years and it feels a bit like home being there. It is always nice to see them and they are always very good to me.

On the 25th we have a slow morning, eat a delicious and loooong brunch and then always go for a walk. Yesterday we went down to Stavern and walked around there. It was what we call here in Norway "Blåtimen" - the blue hour and it was beautiful. Stavern is a little town on the sea - very popular in the summer and quite quiet in the winter. There are all these wonderful old white houses by the water.....and oh I so want to live in one of them :-) Most of the time I want to live in the city.....but I think I could actually live in a small town if it was close to the sea....I just love being near the water. Something tells me that living in a small town, near the sea would actually be good for me in a lot of ways.

It is now the morning of the 26th.....and I have had a couple of quiet hours before the boys wake up....lovely :-) Today was are going to El and F´s for their Christmas party....we are lucky and included in their family celebration....Im really looking forward to it :-)

I hope you are all having a very lovely holiday :-)

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