From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Faversham boat yard....

A very different day today. We messaged Veronica this morning and hope she has had the kind of day she wanted after yesterday. We haven't heard from her and will call tomorrow. 

After a lovely lunch in Oare near Whitstable with friends we all went onto Faversham to a favourite  restaurant bar of one of the group. She and her husband wanted to buy us a celebratory drink for his upcoming birthday. 

I love rivers, harbours and boats and the boats in this dockyard are fascinating and all in various states of repair, making them even more interesting and with individual stories. My extra gives more information on one of the boats here called Tollesbury.  It's/she's  had quite a life. The tide was out and we didn't get the opportunity today to walk along the estuary. We will return.

What a glorious day it's been with sunshine from beginning to end and lovely temperatures. It is June now after all ......

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