Boxing Day by the Broad

Ever the Good Wife I left Roland with the cats and boxes of tissues and various pills and potions to deal with his cold, got on my bike and took me and my camera up to the UEA (University of East Anglia) campus about a 10 minute ride away as it was a glorious, brisk blue-sky morning.

I got some lovely shots, which can be seen here or by looking at my Look See Click Photography page on Facebook but I particularly liked this silhoutte of two blokes and their dog by the edge of the Broad. I have no idea who they are.

The UEA campus is very green, and the Broad is a man-made piece of water which is actually quite dangerous and people have drowned in it. At one end of the Broad there is a tree which has a small plaque nailed to it, in memory of a young woman who died several years ago in December and there is also a bench in her memory near the tree. Each Christmas there are decorations hung in the tree and cards pinned to it. Very poignant.

The remainder of the day is likely to be spent continuing to get to know Leonard Cohen, via his biography. I'm still on the teen years - not much sign of womanising yet.

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