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We walked from Coogee to Bondi today and clocked up about 14 km.
It’s a really lovely walk along the coastline and mostly up on the cliffs and being a Sunday there was no shortage of photo ops, with this one taking the to
The book was Death on the Nile. and all three of them were totally engrossed.
( thank goodness)
The extras today are “The Teeth of the Sea” and “Temporary Australian”
Which The Boss found very hard to even look at.
Hey. Big thanks for your interest in yesterday’s image...I guess you liked it.
Travel today was by Bus and Google Maps make that ridiculously easy.
Meanwhile back in Wanaka The Bossess  and big T went out in the morning chill 3 c with Mydaytoday2018 and Frida
Looks like they had a good time too.
No night lights tonight. The Boss stayed in and cooked scrambled eggs on a bed of maple waffle just to make The Bossess wish she had been here....
And is planning a heavy night of book reading with his feet elevated.

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