
It’s said that a good teacher has a massive impact on children, I’m pretty sure that there are hundreds of children who have very happy memories of Mrs Donnan. The effort she makes to try and make learning fun.
I went into the downstairs toilet today and saw this. Wondering what it was I remembered her telling me about the Dinosaur assembly she’d done a couple of weeks ago, the toilet roll was a prop to demonstrate the timeline of the earth and life on it. It was an idea she got from Dr Liz. Toilet roll spread across the hall, telling the history of the earth, lessons with fossils and brains, singing and dancing and still learning all that reading, writing and sums, how brilliant.

It’s such a shame teacher creativity seems to get crushed under the constant weight of pointless data, stats and reporting.

I say let teachers teach, and let them teach things that are useful, engaging and fun. That comment is partly related to report writing and a child sitting GCSE’s which we all know are just the pointless result of the machine that schools seems to have become.

Angry? Me? No, but make me prime minister and I’ll fix it in a week.

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