Clash of the Centuries!

The peace and tranquility of 12th century Southwark Cathedral vs the hustle and bustle of 21st century London and The Shard!

A day out in London, a belated birthday present from me to mum. And a beautiful sunny day it was, 26 degrees, if not warmer. The day in brief:

- Two trains to Paddington
- Underground to London Bridge
- Southwark Cathedral to see Dorkins, the cathedral’s famous cat (unfortunately she was in hiding!)
- Borough Market for lunch
- Walk along the River Thames (accompanied by half the world!), passing The Golden Hind and Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
- River Bus from Bankside across to Embankment (must be the most expensive boat ride ever!)
- St Martins in the Field crypt cafe for sustenance
- National Gallery for an exhibition of the Spanish artist Sorolla’s stunning work, easy to see why he is known as the Master of Light
- Tube to Paddington
- Two trains home
- Collapse!

In extras, the London skyline from the River Bus, and a wispy Summer sky over Trafalgar Square. More city blips to follow in the inevitable collage...

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