Swimmers' Log Book


Mystery Tours

We all went on a bit of a mystery tour today to nearby Spiez, where Grandma lived and worked as a nurse in a private practice for a while. Although initially she said it all seemed very different, a "feeling" led us up a certain road and sure enough we found the house with the Doctor's name plate on it - probably now his son's, we decided.

We had a drink in a little cafe, then stocked up at Co-op and headed off to find a waterfall that Grandma "seemed to remember". Almost gave up and picnicked else-where, but decided to carry on just a little bit further and eventually spotted the water spray. Had our make-shift picnic with lots of bread and chocolate, and grapes (hung in a tree by Andrei to be washed by the mountain water), then I managed to persuade most of the gang to go for a little walk. Doug's back was still bad so he stayed in the restaurant at the bottom with Heidi, some goats and lots of coffee, and the rest of us trekked uphill (Chloe and Joe moaning and protesting all the way - when I said "persuaded", I meant "coerced in their cases!).

Lovely, if steep, walk, heading for "Barbarabrueke" (Barbara's Bridge), which of course took us a lot longer than the suggested time on the signposts. Almost convinced ourselves that we'd missed it, until Grandma, having talked of having enough and heading back, began one last surge and finally heard the roar of cascading water. Barbara's Bridge was certainly a sight to see, right alongside a massive sheer drop of water that drenched anyone stupid enough to try to walk it. We did, of course! (Well, all except Grandma and Pa, who stayed behind to take the photos.)

Another great day in Switzerland.

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