Tasty Thai....

....cooking class.

Claire and I were bought a Thai cooking class not last Christmas but the Christmas before, yes you read that right. I don't know why we didn't manage to cash it in before now, thinking back on last year it was a very busy one.

Anyway, it was an excellent experience and well worth the wait. We cooked Satay chicken, Pad kra prao and Pad See-eiw in the traditional Thai way. All was very nice and it has managed to feed us for two meals.

The lady teaching us was very good at what she does and entertained us for two hours as well as educating us.

She even took this photo (I know it's a sin not to take your blip, but i did set the camera up for her). It is nice being able to use an image of the two of us experiencing the day together.

Mr Bo Hingles

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