Ymweld â dylunydd y Lotus Belle

Ymweld â dylunydd y Lotus Belle ~ Meeting the designer of the Lotus Belle

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Gwnaethon ni wedi mwynhau ein pabell 'Lotus Belle' (https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2459627052492394444). Mae pedwar metr diamedr gyda hi ac mae’n eithaf moethus i fyw ynddi hi. Ond nawr rydyn ni'n meddwl ein bod ni angen dwy babell lai a fyddai'n haws ei godi. Rydyn ni wedi edrych ar y 'Lotus Air Bud' ar-lein. Mae'n babell tri metr ac mae'n chwyddadwy. Gwnaethon ni meddwl dydyn ni ddim yn gallu prynu un (neu ddau) heb ei gweld hi. Felly aethon ni i lawr i Fryste, i gwrdd â dylunydd, Hari Seddon, ac yn gweld y babell yn mynd i fyny ac i lawr.

Mae Hari yn byw ger yr afon Avon, i lawr trac anwastad. Roedd e'n antur i ffeindio hi. Roedd e'n dda cwrdd â hi ac yn siarad am y pebyll a'i busnes hi hefyd. Mae hi'n llwyddiannus iawn ac mae hi'n gwerthu pebyll dros y byd.

Gwnaethon ni hoffi'r 'Lotus Air Bud' yn fawr iawn. Mae'n bosibl ei chodi hi mewn pum munud gyda phwmp, ac mae'n mynd i lawr mewn eiliadau. Penderfynon ni prynu dau ohonyn nhw ac rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at ddefnyddio nhw ar ein gwyliau nesa.

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We have enjoyed our Lotus Belle tent (https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2459627052492394444). It has a four meter diameter and is quite luxurious to live in. But now we think we need two smaller tents that would be easier to pick up. We have looked at the 'Lotus Air Bud' online. It is a three meter tent and is inflatable. We thought we can't buy one (or two) without seeing it. So we went down to Bristol, to meet the designer, Hari Seddon, and see the tent going up and down.

Hari lives near the river Avon, down an uneven track. It was an adventure to find her. It was good to meet her and talk about the tents and her business as well. She is very successful and she sells tents all over the world.

We really liked the Lotus Air Bud. It is possible to put it up in five minutes with a pump, and it goes down in seconds. We decided to buy two of them and we look forward to using them on our next holiday.

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