blink and miss

By boxgirl

365!!!....we did it!!

I thought I should end the year with a Photo of Sammy and I....

Just as I started with my faithful companion, he's kept me going, made me smile and forced me to go outside when I didn't want to....

I didn't think a 365 would be so challenging, but I've opened my eyes to what's around me this year and I have developed an interest in photography that I never thought I would..

I'd just like to say a huge thankyou to all the blippers who drop by and leave such nice comments...this is such an amazing site, I have never seen such an internet community, where there is never any bad, only positive, friendly and helpful comments...

A special thankyou to the blippers who have stuck with me right from the start, my first subscribers...I'm sure you know who you are....

Sammy and I are going to chill out now and decide if we will take this journey for another 365 days solid or not.......

more than likely we will...can't imagine life without it now....

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