The journey home

They always say, "Never travel on a Sunday", now I know why!

We got around the fact that trains from Wakefield were replaced by slow coaches by driving to Doncaster.

At Doncaster I found one train containing two trains worth of passengers, I couldn't get close to my reserved seat for bodies. The Air-con was broken, so they soon became sweaty bodies!

First change, at Peterborough, went without a hitch, then a level crossing broke outside Ely meaning the connection to Norwich was lost.

At Ely, the broken crossing barrier/signal had caused chaos and the passengers were milling about looking for trains that just weren't there! I was lucky my next train to Norwich was arriving soon. No it wasn't.

We milled about a bit more. Babies cried, bananas were consumed, marriages failed.

Finally my train arrived and, gladly, few of the hordes wanted it and so i could finally luxuriate in an air-conditioned carriage and a table. Then I notice my phone is rapidly running out of charge due to me using the internet to look for train times {?} I have an E-Ticket! What do you do if your phone goes bung and you have an E-Ticket? Gladly the gent opposite pointed out where the USB charging points were, under the seats, where you'd never find them.

The rest of the journey went without a hitch and my Sunday Odyssey was completed as my E-Ticket opened the barrier allowing me to fall into the arms of my Love.

LNER should be ashamed.

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